
March 2016 to September 2022

EuroDairy is a new international network to increase the economic, social and environmental sustainability of dairy farming in Europe, at a time of unprecedented challenge for the sector. This network will foster the development and dissemination of practice-based innovation in dairy farming, targeting key sustainability issues following the abolition of milk quotas: socio economic resilience, resource efficiency, animal care, and the integration of milk production with biodiversity objectives.

Funding source: INTERREG Atlantic Area.

Reference: H2020-ISIB-2015-1-GA 696364

Total funding: 2.924.364

Funding for UTAD: 36,865.00€

Leading institution: DLO (NL)

Leading institution at UTAD: CITAB

CECAV Researchers: Maria José Gomes, José Carlos Almeida, Severiano Silva